We are so undeserving and yet over and over again the Lord
is so faithful to use us in His work. This morning in our daily reading Brandon
and I read a verse that fits exactly to our hearts cry, “Brothers my heart’s
desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved” Romans 10:1 Just
as Paul desired to see lives changed and a true understanding and knowledge
(Faith) in God we too are burdened to see the lost be found!
After much prayer dedicated to the day, we first went with
Jo to get his hair cut. Very interesting experience (Mom, things are much
different here! lol) While we were waiting in the barber shop some of the girls
I have been teaching walked by and I jumped up to go say hello, the Thai people
in the shop were so confused that a foreigner knew people walking down the
street! 555(in Thai the number 5 is Ha…so translation is Ha Ha Ha).
I have been teaching the same students for almost a week now
and we are studying 1 John in Thai English Thai English back and forth. And
today was so exciting for me to see the students faces light up when they began
to read the Scriptures and figure out what it means on their own. In just one
week, by the grace of God, the students have improved so much we are able to
hold a conversation. We came to serve the people and yet they have been serving
us way beyond measure. As I am teaching them English they are teaching me so
much Thai!!!! I am supper excited to learn the language, God has really used
this trip to show me that we Can learn it!
After we both taught English all day, I hung out with the
girls this afternoon and Brandon was able to talk and look with Jo for language
schools and houses! We have been praying God will make clear where we are to
be, and we know He will do just that.
Then this evening we had a prayer meeting at the mission’s
house. One of the ladies brought a box of Dunkin’ Donuts! (Who would have
thought they actually taste much better here! Lol) It was a good time to come
together and share our praises and our request. We took turns sharing things in
our lives that we wanted to praise God for. And we shared with them how
thankful we are to have churches back home that are faithfully praying for us
and even them. I think it meant a Lot for them to know that even people all the
way across the world that have never met them are praying for them! One of my
favorite things about meeting for worship with the Thai people is that they
love to sing praises! It so Beautiful and worshipful to hear both some singing
in Thai and others in English at the same time and when they mix it is just an
awesome picture of how God has children of all nations!!!!! “Praise God, from
whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above
all the heavenly host. Praise Him Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. AMEN”
And of course we ended the day with a wonderful meal.