Me giving a report and preaching at New Hope (our sending church). For the four months we were in the states we visited different churches every week. It was nice to see people who have partnered with us in this mission, and get to share with them in more detail of what has been going on in our lives and what we plan to do next. We were really blessed by our visits. Some churches did way too much for us and spoiled us when we came to visit. Also while we visited we gained a few new supporters, and people that said they would pray for us and the work we are doing!
Josie had to adjust and learn a lot of things. The car seat was one of them since we don't have a car in Thailand. It took a little while, but now the car seat is used as a wonderful tool to get her to sleep.
We were living out of a suit case for 4 months.
It was fun showing Josie all the sights that make good ol' East Texas different than Thailand.
Here we got to introduce Thai food to our good friends. It was neat to watch their reaction, and we were happy they liked the food. The food was good and authentic. We got to meet the Thai cook.

And of course we ate a LOT of Mexican and BBQ food while we were home (and Chick-fil-a). I think we should be good-to-go for awhile.
Brittney and I got to celebrate our 5 year anniversary. Plus we had childcare! So we really had a great time relaxing and spending time together.

Josie learned how to walk! So as you probably know, the fun really begins!
And of course we ate a LOT of Mexican and BBQ food while we were home (and Chick-fil-a). I think we should be good-to-go for awhile.
Brittney and I got to celebrate our 5 year anniversary. Plus we had childcare! So we really had a great time relaxing and spending time together.
Josie learned how to walk! So as you probably know, the fun really begins!
Took Josie to a Fall Festaval
Found out B is PREGNANT with baby #2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We all had fun with family. Josie enjoyed playing with her cousins. Now that we are back in Thailand, these two are confused. They want to see each other and play, but don't understand how far away Thailand is...
Had a blow out on the interstate. Thankful for God's protection. It could have been really bad. Oh, you like my white-look-like-I'm-going-into-space-suit? I have a good father-in-law. It was packed in the car just incase of something like this, because it's hard to work on a car in your Sunday clothes.
Christmas Parade with grandparents (AKA Meme & Poppy)
We had a nice Christmas with Family. We missed the last two, but I think we made up for it with this one. It was such a sweet time.
We had a gender reveal party to find out if baby #2 is a boy or girl. Well... it's a BOY!
Had a good time of prayer with our family before we left to come back to Thailand. Saying goodbye is so hard... we love and miss them so much already.
so there you have it... We are now back in Thailand and Josie is stealing the show. She gets a lot of attention, and we use that to our advantage to meet people with hopes of getting to share the gospel with them. Right now we are in the process of getting ready to move to a new house and location. We move January 26th and we are excited to get to work learning the area and meeting people.
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