Thailand has a 90% rate for c-section births. Many Thai women like to choose the day for good luck, so the entire pregnancy we tried to prepare ourselves for the doctor to push us into it. Almost every appointment the subject was brought up, and we just expressed that we really wanted natural. Much time was spent in prayer that the Lord would prepare my body to naturally deliver this baby and that if surgery was really needed He would give us a peace about it. At about 37 weeks I had already begun to dilate and the doctor was wanting to induce. We were a little concerned that maybe something was wrong (communication was a little difficult), but we didn't want to induce. Week 38 we had an appointment the day of my birthday, and when I came into her office, she had the paperwork on the desk ready to admit me in the hospital to induce. I wasn't having any pains so we told her we wanted to just go home and wait for baby to come on her own. By week 39 I was still dilated the same I had been for 3 weeks and the baby was pretty low. The doctor did a check up and said she thought the baby's head was going to be "so big" and I was too small; she thought a c-section would be needed but she was willing to induce and see if I progressed first. We again told her we wanted to wait at least until 40 weeks (due date). The doctor didn't want to wait, but finally she said ok and scheduled another appoint for the day after her due date. She also mentioned a few signs and that if I had any I should come in immediately. So we were determined to try to do everything we could to help progression before the next week. All week nothing happened, still no pains at all. The night before her due date Brandon and I spent hours in prayer until about 3 am. The next morning (Monday October 20th- the due date) we woke up just a normal day we decided to take a walk. We walked almost 2 straight hours then we came back showered and decided to go out for lunch.
(Walking at the fitness center) |
After lunch I was having a little pain but I didn't think much about it. We had a few errands to run so we headed out again. This time when we arrived at the store the pain was very uncomfortable and so I found a seat and waited for Brandon. We headed back home and the pain had stopped but I had a few of the signs the doctor had mentioned. Brandon convinced me we should just go to the hospital and check. So about 3:30pm we got all our stuff together and headed that way having no idea what the next few hours had in store!
(Taxi ride to the hospital) |
I messaged my doctor that we were on the way and as soon as we got there she took me to her office. She checked and I was 5 cm dilated and thought the baby would be coming soon. The doctor was so surprised she was coming right on her due date! By the time I made it to the labor room and they checked again I was already at 6 cm but still no painful contractions.
(In the labor room) |
The doctor said she thought we needed to induce to help contractions, but we still did not want to (trusting the Lord, He had already answered our prayers in every other way we knew He would continue). So Brandon finally convinced the doctor to wait and not induce. My doctor said she would give me 1 hour and if there was no progression she was going to start the medicine. So we thought we would try walking again, as soon as I stood up I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom, but Brandon was really concerned so he ran to get a nurse. When she came she helped me back to the bed and checked me. I was now 8 cm dilated. Everything was moving so fast but still no strong contractions, by the time the doctor got back to the room I was at a 9 and felt a lot of pressure. They began to prepare the room for delivery. They had me strapped around my belly to monitor her heartbeat, and then they raised my legs (extremely high) and strapped them down and covered them. I still wasn't able to feel the contractions but when the monitor said I was having one, all the nurses would hold out a steady high note in unison for me to push until they stopped! I wasn't able to push strong enough so the doctor had to use a vacuum like device to help bring her head out. Other than that it was an all natural delivery. At 6:20 pm our baby girl was born. Josie Grace weighted 7.7lbs and 20.8 in.
(First Family Pic) |
The Lord really blessed us the timing could not have been more perfect. The traffic was good for us to get to the hospital, we made it just in time before the rain started, and for our families back home it was almost time for them to be waking up. There's no doubt child birth is an undescribable pain like no other, but we really feel like the Lord had much grace and mercy on us. It was hard not having family physically there with us, but we were very thankful for the friends we had with us and technology so that our families could be a part of the experience. Jo and Jessie have helped so much, and our sweet friends Kristi and Keith have been there for us. We are so thankful for them and all those who came to visit, and most importantly all of you who faithfully prayed for us!! We still can't believe she is here with us now. What a great gift from a great God!