"In a few years I imagine myself having a firm grasp of the Thai language and possessing an even greater ambition to make Jesus look glorious among the Thai people. By then I see a church forming among hope thirsty Buddhist in Bangkok, Thailand by God’s grace, our labor, and because of prayers and support from back home. This church will be passionate about producing disciple makers, training leaders, and reproducing church plants throughout Thailand. Many villagers from all over Thailand come to Bangkok, and this makes the capital a good location to witness to different people groups who come to the big city in search for something greater. We desire to return with them to their villages to spread the good news about their new found treasure, Jesus. Our mission is to equip Thai people for the work of the ministry within their families, schools, and work places. I will be teaching English as the main form of outreach, and Lord willing in a university context. This will give me the chance to be surrounded by young adults who are in search for identity, direction, and truth. It is exciting to dream big. No matter how big my imagination or hopes are Scriptures say He is able to do far more than we ask or think according to the power at work within us (Eph. 3:20), and this gives me great confidence and excitement!"